Kamis, 10 April 2014

REACH 2014!

 Halo sobat – sobat!
Ada informasi nih mengenai REACH “Ready To Take The Challenge” 2014 ajang penunjukkan bakat dan asah bakat ! Acara yang diikuti lebih dari 20 kota di Indonesia.
Acara ini untuk umum, mau anda Kristen, Buddha, Hindu, Islam, dll semua boleh mengikuti acara ini.
Bagi teman- teman yang belum tau liburan ini mau kemana, ayo ikuti acara ini!
1 tahun sekali loh, acaranya seru banget! Dosen- dosen yang ngajar di setiap studio juga pastinya hebat- hebat, contohnya nih, dosen di Studio Musik itu Mas Oni Krisnerwinto, dan kemarin juga yang ngajarin di Idefest2013 itu Excel Mangare, siapasih yang ga kenal mereka? Pengiring semua acara- acara music terkenal di Indonesia!
Di Reach2014, terdapat beberapa studio, antaralain: Studio Musikal (Kelas Performer, Kelas Dance, Astrada 2, Kelas Wardobe, Kelas Make Up n’ Hair Do, Kelas Set n Prop, dan Kelas Wardrobe.), Studio Kuliner, Studio Comedy Team, Studio Musik/ Band, Studio Multimedia, Studio Film, Studio Fotografi, dan banyak lagi kelas- kelas yang lainnya. Gak bakalan nyesel deh ikut acara beginian!
Saya sendiri sudah pernah mengikuti acara ini. FYI: Tebing tinggi dan daerah sekitarnya juga bisa join GM PEMATANGSIANTAR :D  
Ayo segera daftarkan diri anda! Biayanya terjangkau, 1.300.000 (sudah termasuk dosen, studio, makan, dan tempat tinggal)
Acara ini diselenggarakan Tanggal 28Juni 2014 – 10Juli 2014 di Megamendung, Bogor.
Bagi yang jomblo- jomblo juga boleh nih ikutan acara ini, manatau dapat jodohnya disana J Karena diikuti sampai lebih dari 500 peserta loh setiap tahunnya! :D
Informasi lebih lanjut boleh search Facebook :  Reach Buddha Dharma Indonesia atau twitter @Reach2014_
Atau boleh langsung contact GM Siantar: Sylvia Angelina (2B16C12C) , Winson Welas Tanaka (2825717E) , Dea Vanthera (270C8DFE) . Terimakasih!

Kamis, 03 April 2014

Indah Dewintari Sinaga.

Haiii beng, gausah perkenalan lagi la ya kan udah kenal :D
Kita kenal udah kira" setengah tahun udah ya :D
Semenjak masuk kelas 11IPS1, selama ini kita biasa" aja, makin dekat malah, boleh dibilang, sahabat.
Tapi 2 hari belakangan ini aku liat kayak ada yang janggal di pertemanan kita, aku cuek, kamu jg cuek, mungkin ini salah aku, salah aku terlalu emosian, terlalu sensitif.
Susahnya ngertiin orang lain, aku ngerti gimana.
Mungkin gak semua orang bisa cepat peka sama perasaan orang lain, tapi, kita sama" udah hampir, boleh dibilang hampir tau kepribadian satu sama lain.
Indah dewintari sinaga, teman, sahabat, kawan main, kawan gila"an bareng, pribumi yang dekat banget sama aku, udah kayak kakak, family, saudara, dan salah satu yang paling dewasa diantara kita smua.
Susah dideskripsikan kenapa kita jadi cuek"an gini, aku gatau siapa yang memulai duluan, tapi dibalik smua ini, aku mau bilang sorry kalo ada kata"ku yang gak berkenan sama km, kalopun aku salah ngomong, itu diluar kesengajaan, bukan sengaja/pun berkata dgn prasaan benci, enggak,
Sahabat bukan mereka yang menghampirimu ketika butuh, namun mereka yg tetap bersamamu ketika seluruh dunia menjauh.

1.      Persahabatan tidak terjalin secara otomatis tetapi membutuhkan proses yang panjang seperti besi menajamkan besi, demikianlah sahabat menajamkan sahabatnya.
 “Semua orang pasti membutuhkan sahabat sejati, namun tidak semua orang berhasil mendapatkannya. Banyak pula orang yang telah menikmati indahnya persahabatan, namun ada juga yang begitu hancur karena dikhianati sahabatnya”
2.      Tak ada yang sempurna, sahabatpun pernah berbuat salah, tapi kamu selalu temukan sebuah alasan tuk maafkan mereka.
 “Sahabat yang baik adalah orang yang sangat kita percayai dan membuat kita tenang bersamanya. Dia menjadi tempat berbagi kelelahan, berbagi kesedihan dan tidak pernah menjual rahasia diri kita”

3.      Siapa yang ingin bersama kamu pada saat tiada satupun yang dapat kamu berikan??. Merekalah sahabat-sahabat kamu.
 “Sahabat adalah dia yang tahu kekuranganmu, tapi menunjukkan kelebihanmu. Dia yang tahu ketakutanmu, tapi menunjukkan keberanianmu.”

4.     “Sahabat terbaik adalah dia yang dapat duduk berayun-ayun di beranda bersamamu, tanpa mengucapkan sepatah katapun, dan kemudian kamu meninggalkannya dengan perasaan telah bercakap-cakap lama dengannya”
5.     “Sesuatu yang baik, belum tentu benar. Sesuatu yang benar, belum tentu baik. Sesuatu yang bagus, belum tentu berharga. Sesuatu yang berharga/berguna, belum tentu bagus.”
6.     “Sahabat selalu ada untukmu, ketika kamu punya masalah. Bahkan terkadang memberi saran yang bodoh hanya tuk lihat kamu tertawa.”

7.     “Persahabatan sulit dijelaskan dan tidak pernah dipelajari di sekolah. Namun, jika seseorang tidak berusaha mempelajari makna persahabatan, dia tidak dapat mempelajari apa-apa”
8.     “Sahabat adalah dia yang tahu apa yang dia miliki ketika bersamamu, bukan dia yang menyadari siapa dirimu setelah dia kehilanganmu.”
9     “Sahabat adalah mereka yang tahu semua kekuranganmu, namun tetap memilih bersamamu ketika orang lain meninggalkanmu.”

10.    Sahabat itu, adalah kamu, Indah Dewintari Sinaga.

Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

The one that will lead to SUCCESS.

So, hello ciecie Nitut. There's nothing left i can say. Just......
Cie nitut, a very motherly figure, very thoughtful, pretty, cute, ane nua and ..... unyu!
Well, this is a bit of motivational words to you cie, hope you like it.
I will miss you, my alaayyyyzzz friend. :*:*

1. On the road to success; there's a curve called failure, a loop called confusion, speed bumps called friends & red lights called enemies.
2. Never forget yesterday, but always live for today ... Because you never know what tomorrow can bring, or what it can take away ..
.3. You'll never be brave if you do not get hurt. You'll never learn if you do not make mistakes. You'll never be successful if you do encounter failure.
4. Our struggles the make us stronger, our experiences the make us wiser, and our past makes us Realize that we are meant to go through these things in order for our future to be brighter.
5. The best revenge is to be successful. It is to stay strong and move forward in life; never stopping, never giving up, never take a step back.
6. Never give up without a fight, Never think you are not good enough. Never let others get to you, but try your hardest in everything you do even though you may feel as though you'll never succeed or fail constantly. The great things in life never come easy.
7. I does not matter if you've failed, if you've been beaten. All that really matters is if you get back up and try again. Because winning is fun, but winning when nobody thought you would, is just awesome.
8. No matter what obstacles may come your way, stay focused, stay positive and you WILL Overcome Them.
9. Always have confidence and grow with each experienced Whether good or bad, do not be held back by fear of rejection or failure, strive for your goals, believing in yourself is the key to your success in life.
10. As hard as the situation may seem, difficult as you may Realize, never stop believing in yourself for you were born to succeed.

Goodluck there,
sexy accountant, mwaahhh!! XOXOXOXO -pia

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

After every STORM.

Hello guys.
I'm back, but now with a different topic.
this time the topic is about ..... pangs of life.
life is not as beautiful as what we watch on television, is not as easy as the ravings of a motivator, not as easy as that written in the book.
very difficult to say or describe, what exactly is the meaning of life.
sometimes, life is beautiful, as if we did not want to go through such beautiful things, but sometimes, life is very difficult to go through, very difficult, very painful to take.
happy in the months and included also the month I was born in this world, there are many disappointing, sad, piercing, harass, or harm occurred in the full experience.
Maybe it's not only writers who experienced that, out there, many who experience it. including one woman who had just died by suicide, Amanda Todd.
She was only 15 years old, but already a lot of events that happened to her that made ​​her tired to fight.
One of the reasons he tired to fight was because of abuse in various social media.
sarcasm coming out of the mouth of someone who is not responsible for what has been said.
every woman have different properties, depending on the women's situation.
all we can do is just .... be patient, be patient, and be patient ..
But how long should we be patient? just wait for the rainbow after rain.
The world isn't as we imagine anymore, this cruel world, including the people in it.
Problems that arise in my life these days is a problem that makes me understand what's the meaning of life. what is the meaning of friends, understanding, the sense of apologize and what's the meaning of Friendship.
I almost gave up with all the problems that arise in my life, but I remember, that God gave me this problem, there must be a reason.
The words that out from someone's mouth. 
Eumm.., MAYBE .1 of 10 people in this world, can digest these words, but 9 out of 10 people in this world can not receive, including me, I was 9 of 10 humans.
I just want to say to all of the reader, that .. BEWARE of the words that you said from your mouth, maybe for you it is just normal words, but for those who hear it,
will think in another perspective.
i don't blame anyone, i don't blame myself, or God because of that problem .
I just want to tell, BE CAREFUL, SELF HARM ISN'T A JOKE.